Saturday, June 18, 2011

Be Inspiring!!! Smile!

As my alarm goes off at 10am for a photo shoot that starts at 1pm (yes i need so much snooze time) miserably i finally get out the bed, drag myself to the bathroom, drag myself to get ready and get my daughter situated. I pack all my makeup, drag myself to the bus stop and then to the train station.

As i roll my small suit case i see families on their way to what seems like enjoying this beautiful 84 degree June weather. I think of all the things I'd rather be doing right now other than waiting on this A train which seems might get me to 34th just in time...or maybe not.

I see a Michael Jackson impersonator walk by me with a boom box playing some MJ music.  The stares seem to excite him rather than shame him.  He stands to wait for the train jamming to his MJ with a smile that exudes confidence and pride. That was the first smile of my day. To see someone so proud and happy of what they do, all of a sudden i wasn't dragging myself to my shoot anymore.  

Suddenly it was so gratifying to know that i was part of what will be creation. That the photographer and model were waiting for me to make this baby happen. The importance of my role in this shoot gave me another reason to smile and maybe, in one corner of this train, there is someone that i also inspired with my smile and aura filled with inspiration. 

One small thing can so easily change our outlook. Smile today, be proud of what you do, you never know who's watching and who you will be inspiring today with your mere presence!

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